cognition test - CopyRecently I had a scary event. I had a minor stroke. Luckily I’m fine and with certain changes I should be able to avoid another one. I wasn’t allowed to drive however until I had fully recovered and was able to pass a cognition test. When I went to take the test with my family doctor I discovered something that really concerns me.
I’m dyslexic and certain types of questions on the test were difficult for me. The doctor told me 5 numbers and asked me to remember them in the correct order. I can’t write someone’s phone number down correctly let alone retain 5 numbers. I asked her to repeat them 2 or 3 times and with great effort, I was able to recall them. Next I was given 3 numbers and told to say them backwards. More effort. She gave me a verbal list of things and asked me to repeat them in order. I can’t hang on to a person’s name and am constantly embarrassed after being introduced to people! Then my doctor said 2 long sentences and asked me to repeat them. I can’t remember accurately the names of books I’ve written and depend on copy/paste. Aaarghh!

Another issue for Dyslexics is Irlen’s Syndrome which causes visual distortions when looking at white backgrounds such as paper, whiteboards and computer screens. Research shows roughly 40% of Dyslexics and 20% of the general population experience Irlen’s to varying degrees . Also, after a brain injury Irlen Syndrome can become an issue and a person doesn’t realize it. I imagine Irlen’s could also affect people’s ability to get through one of these cognitive tests and be allowed to drive again.

Fortunately as a dyslexia consultant and tutor, I’ve learned techniques to recall this type of information but it was difficult. I also have Irlen’s moderately but was able to pass this test and get the right to drive again.

I started to think about this required test to drive again and wondered what happens to other dyslexics or those suffering from Irlen Syndrome who have a stroke or other brain injury. What can a person do if they have recovered and can drive but can’t pass these cognition tests due to dyslexia or Irlen’s issues and don’t know to point this out to the doctor testing them?
Something to think about.

For suggestions and accommodations for children struggling with retaining words and improving their reading fluency, I invite you to check out my book “14 Steps to Teach Dyslexics how to Spell and Read”…/

How a Teacher can Help a Dyslexic Student Learn Effectively in the Classroom

“There are many strategies a teacher can implement in the classroom to help a Dyslexic student do well and understand the different skill sets such as spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic and  time. Most of these suggestions are beneficial for any student but especially important for Dyslexics.”

* If one or both of a child’s parents are Dyslexic the odds are 50% their children will be too. Dyslexia can also skip generations from grandparent to grandchild. There is a gene that indicates Dyslexia. Visit the article CAUSE OF DYSLEXIA ON CHROMOSOME 18 which we have quoted on our website from the

* Help right-brain learners (Dyslexics) understand their thinking and the learning differences from left brain thinkers (big picture and concrete images versus abstracts such numbers, letters and words). They will understand they can be taught how to use their processing style to their advantage for success in school.

* Help Dyslexic students discover their personal learning style (auditory, visual or kinesthetic) and teach them how to use their strongest sense to process information and perform  new skills with greater understanding.

* These students think in wholes: spelling whole words, thinking in whole words, whole chapters and stories, whole lessons, whole assignments and whole concepts. Their school work should  reflect this focus on wholes. Breaking a word into individual letters and sounds is not the best way for these students to learn how to spell them.

*Skills or information taught with steps over a series of days, without a preliminary overview or “Big Picture”,  can be very difficult for Dyslexic students to follow and comprehend. The constant memory loss of information covered over several days is one way a Dyslexic can be labelled as having “short term memory loss”.

An example is teaching the process of long division using brackets,  often taught in steps over a number of days. Without an overview explanation of what long division is or what it is used for the sequence or set of steps of a long division problem becomes very abstract.  The average student is taught to follow them and they will have a correct answer.

A Dyslexic student needs to understand what is happening in these steps and why the answer is right otherwise they won’t understand why they need to do long division. Dyslexics and right-brained thinkers need to see the whole process and its meaning at the beginning of the lessons.

* Try to complete a lesson at one sitting. An incomplete lesson is entirely lost on them. If this is not possible, then provide a written summary, extra time during the same day to answer the student´s questions or find ways to teach the complete lesson in one sitting, or give them the start and ending first and then fill in the middle.

* Dyslexic students can be identified as early as 6 years of age. Their struggles with school work are noticeable when compared to the rest of the class along with their above average intelligence.  It is very important to identify them early.  If this is delayed and they are being taught with methodologies that work well with left-brain learners they can lose a lot of ground, get behind in class and have difficulty catching up.

* Studies have shown that Dyslexics tend to be above average to genius level in intelligence. It is not uncommon for gifted children to have Dyslexic issues. Often this can make it difficult to identify them and they can be regarded as “lazy and not living up to their potential”.

* These students think and reason starting with a fact or conclusion and analyze the parts that prove or disprove the conclusion. They need to see the “forest before the trees” with everything they are learning and processing. Just as many essays are based on analyzing a stated conclusion.

*Always design your questions and assignments around a given conclusion or fact. Dyslexic students think in concrete wholes, that is, they work backwards from a conclusion or fact to fill in all the parts. “Top/down processing.”

“Top-Down Processing: Top-Down Processing is also known as “large chunk” processing and states that we form perceptions (or focus our attention) by starting with the larger concept or idea (it can even be the concept or idea of an object) and then working our way down to the finer details of that concept or idea. If you’re the type of person who learns new ideas and concepts (or forms impressions) by starting first with the high-level aspects and then working your way down to the fine details, then you’re a top-down processor.”   ~ quoted from

*Do not give them open-ended questions that involve abstract or incomplete instructions.

*Do not base the student´s marks on spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Errors in assignments should be corrected for them. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are very abstract concepts for them that the right brain does not easily process and cannot visualize them as concrete images. If these errors must be corrected before a student hands in an assignment  then permit someone else to edit the mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Parents are often helpful in this.

* Look for ideas, not clerical errors. Getting ideas down on paper is much more important than fretting over spelling, grammar and punctuation.  If they do not achieve what they are capable of  they soon become depressed and give up. Using recording devices to get their ideas down are a great tool.

* Their ability to use the correct grammar, punctuation and spelling forms may or may not improve with age, depending on the their ability to understand these concepts  and the type of teaching methods the Dyslexic student receives.

* They ask a lot of questions and they need them answered. Without these answers they can be paralyzed in the classroom and can’t proceed with their school work. Answer the student´s questions as often as possible, but keep your answers very short, clear and specific. Be precise. Do not repeat your answers unless the student asks you to do so. Then answer only what the student asks. Long explanations, different approaches, wordy definitions, or abstract thinking are all very tiring and difficult for these students who are looking for a concrete answer.

* Do not criticize your students for not paying attention or being lazy. If they look like they are daydreaming, they may be learning by listening or they can no longer understand the lesson and are trying to cope with the situation. They are actually working hard to understand what you are saying. Sometimes the student has already solved the problem and is thinking about other solutions or aspects of the problem.

* Instead of long, written assignments, turn these tasks into projects that involve all the senses. These could be done on any large piece of coloured paper they could add real objects, pictures, drawing, sketches, photos, words of explanation and an oral report. The Dyslexic student learns best doing projects that involve seeing, listening, discussing and using their hands.

* Help facilitate a Dyslexic student who has been assessed for their best colour for dealing with reading issues caused by reading black text on white paper. This can be accomplished by using coloured plastic overlays over printed text, a similar colour on their computer background and coloured paper for their worksheets and other school materials. Many times we have seen great changes in a students reading speed and comprehension just by changing the colour of the paper they are working on or by placing a coloured transparent acetate over a worksheet or page of a book.(Refer to information about Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome)

* Encourage these students to expand and use their natural right-brain traits and talents such as: artistic abilities in different mediums, researching topics for projects. Some are proficient and exceptional at arithmetic and mathematics and yet other Dyslexics can have great difficulty with arithmetic and math. Most Dyslexic individuals show good leadership abilities,  problem solving skills, have wonderful imagination and terrific story-telling skills. Many have natural mechanical abilities, are talented athletes, possess photographic memories and show a strong  logical sensibility. They can be assessed to discover their natural talents, interests and hobbies.

* Teach the students how to put individual parts in a sequential order. The right-brained student needs to be trained in sequencing skills by using concrete materials and visual procedures such as the order of letters in words. This can be accomplished by using mind maps to show them how to find the parts and their order in the “big picture”.

Eg: The seasons of the year could be printed in big simple letters on a large cardboard sheet with pictures of what the weather is like during those seasons, special holidays and day-to-day life such as school and summer activities. The mind map concept can be taken further and add the months of the year that fall in each season. This type of visual can help a Dyslexic anchor what “seasons of the year” means, what order they come in and how they are spelled. Many teenage Dyslexic students we assess still don’t know the seasons or months of the year let alone their order.

* Mind maps should be used for all subjects. Dyslexics understand many concepts more completely when  presented in mind maps and diagrams. The computer program, “Inspirations” is ideal for this. An example of a mind map created from the “Inspirations” program is shown below:

* Writing notes from the board can be very difficult so placing a Dyslexic child close to the front of the classroom or giving them notes pre-printed can be very helpful.

* Many Dyslexics need to read the beginning, then the end, and then the middle of chapter stories and best followed up with a movie of the book. Presenting the end of the story after the beginning gives the Dyslexic the “big picture” and their comprehension of the story increases. Some Dyslexics do not like this approach and prefer beginning, middle and end.

* Arithmetic, math, the concept of time, money, clock faces and measurement are very abstract and difficult ideas for Dyslexics but if concrete images and physical demonstrations are used to explain them they will catch on quickly. They should not be discouraged to count with their fingers or use other aids such as an abacus. The Dyslexic student may never be able to work arithmetic or math problems without these aids. These students also do better with drawing out a word problem rather than trying to work the details of the math equation from the text of the problem.

* They will always want to know the schedule for the day and will point it out if it changes.

* They can become obsessed about one subject so if this can be used in any school work at all it will help them learn the new skill sets. We had one boy we assessed who loved volcanoes. He could tell you all about them and spell difficult words like; magma, mantle, eruption. But he could not spell; then, would, other, into.

* Some Dyslexic children who are displaying ADHD behaviours are possibly suffering from frustration, confusion and fear. They don’t understand what is going on in the class, they want to desperately and they are humiliated by their peers. Their inability to sit still and focus can be due to exasperation. More than one mother has told me her child was suicidal and they have been as young as third grade. We are not saying a child does not have ADHD, we are suggesting medical testing should be done along with examining the school background and emotional state of the child for other factors.

* And speaking of being wiggly and talking out in class; Dyslexic children tend to be very connected to experiencing the world through their senses and don’t sit well to focus quietly on their schoolwork. They want to feel it, see it, touch it, smell it and hear everything. They experience life in the present – the past and the future belongs to the left brain.

If you can integrate movement and other sensory experiences consistently into the classroom they will be avid learners. Sitting, listening and writing for long periods of time can be almost impossible for them. More schools are starting to introduce accommodations in the classroom such as chewing gum, squeeze balls, plastic straws to tap instead of pencils and getting up and moving often.

* If you have a Dyslexic class clown try letting them have 5 minutes of stand-up comedy if they agree not to disturb the class for the rest of the day. This was the answer for my Dyslexic son in grade four who came up with the idea. I ran into his teacher a few years later and she said she still used this with other class clowns. Dyslexics are often very quick mentally and verbally and will use humour to deflect attention away from their learning problems and negative attention from their fellow class mates (Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Jay Leno, Whoopi Goldberg to name a few).

* Dyslexics need a reason for everything. If you want them to stop a certain behaviour, don’t just say “no” or “stop”. Tell them why it is inappropriate. They respond well to a logical explanation.

* Many Dyslexics have a terrible time with being on time and completion dates. They live in the present and do not comprehend a schedule easily. Team up with their parents to work out a schedule for their schoolwork. They could have a white board at home with homework dates that the parent could help them remember.

They respond well to colour. Give them an agenda done in colours. Red could mean hand in “tomorrow”, blue could be the “end of the week”. This could be written on their white board at home. The colours could be updated daily on their calendar for consideration of their home work due dates.

The other side of the spectrum are Dyslexics who are obsessed about schedules. This is what we have found to be typical, nothing in the middle. Either they can be on time and sometimes obsessively or not at all. We have found working with a Dyslexic student on schedules can help them build a lifelong skill.

* These students are reality based because they think in whole concrete images they can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. All abstract materials should be related to something they can see, feel, touch, hear or smell.

We have parents tell us that the teachers their children had that were focused on multi-sensory teaching methods, lots of movement and projects were usually their Dyslexic child’s most successful  and happy years.

* Dyslexics have great difficulty with letters and phonemes without the presence of the whole image of the word and an image or picture that relates to the word when learning to copy and memorize words. Most Dyslexics have difficulty understanding what letters are individually. C – A – T are three sounds that don’t mean anything when sounded out separately. “CAT” however brings up the image of a cat.

* Help these students understand how to ask for guidance to verify the direction of instructions. Dyslexics are spacial thinkers and very aware of the concept of three dimensionality. Mentally they can be anywhere in the world in their minds at any time – this creates directionality problems.

For example they have difficulty understanding right and left or tying their shoes. An illustration would be to ask them to point to the “back of a chair”. They will wonder if you mean the back of the chair where they lean their backs on or the “back” behind the chair. This problem occurs for them with many instructions they receive during the day in a classroom.

* Try to assist them in focusing ideas and organizing a large body of work. Know they need special training in writing procedures and gathering tools such as note-taking, note making, outlining, clustering or mind map information, using pictures, diagrams, drawings and composition procedures.

* Recognize their abilities to think emotionally, intuitively, creatively and “big picture” and incorporate into class work.

* Be sympathetic with their fears of being ridiculed when reading out loud, oral discussion and being able to follow written directions. One way to help with reading out loud is to give them a passage to practice reading at home and then reading it aloud in the classroom when they are comfortable.

* Recognize they may excel in oral discussions and group projects.

* Recognize they may be a good organizer and excel in leadership skills if they are not suffering from a loss of self-esteem.

* Dyslexics should be allowed and encouraged to use laptop computers in the classroom. Printing or writing is usually agonizing for a Dyslexic student. They generally have Dysgraphia to some degree so writing can affect their comprehension, their ability to write notes from the board, and complete an exercise or test on time.

Another option is using a scribe (a teaching assistant who writes a student’s words or answers down for them in the classroom).

* Dyslexic students should be allowed to use assistive technologies such as computer programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil, TextHelp Inspirations.

* Dyslexics should be given more time to complete class work and tests or do them orally. The purpose of their completed schoolwork is to be sure they understand it and having to write their answers can effect their ability to convey their knowledge of the subject. Written formats can make it impossible for them to print their thoughts and answers adequately when they are usually very articulate speakers. Recording machines can also help with getting their ideas and answers saved and then typed or hand written.

* Dyslexia changes from a Learning Difference to a Learning Disability when a child cannot learn in school due to inappropriate teaching methods and having become frustrated, exhausted, humiliated and despondent. When a child loses their self-esteem and begins to believe they are “stupid” they are filled with “self-limiting beliefs”. They shut down and can no longer learn many new skills in school in a normal and timely manner – if it all.

If you have questions about teaching Dyslexics please email us at:

If you would like to learn more about our methods and purchase our teaching materials please go to our website:

Dyslexia Victoria school program




Karey Hope
Founder of Dyslexia Victoria Online
Karey and her daughter, Gen VanBebber. Gen was assessed for Dyslexia in Grade Two back in the 1980’s which started the two on their journey to understand Dyslexia. Gen has overcome all of her issues and is a successful business woman and mother of three children.

Another Dyslexia Book Recommendation by Dyslexia Victoria Online

In our never ending search for good information about Dyslexia I recommend another book to add to your library. The book is called “The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Dyslexia” by Abigail Marshall. This book is in “The Everything Parent’s Guide” series of parenting books.  

What Karey and I like about this book is the vast range of topics this book covers.  It touches on many of the issues we feel are of importance for individuals with dyslexic learning issues in a general manner which makes this book easy to read. Though the book is written without getting too bogged down in jargon, it does give enough information to help parents and teachers make intelligent decisions.

Probably the one thing that impressed me most about the book is the amount of research the author has gathered.  She covers topics like: “Understanding and recognizing characteristics of Dyslexia”, “Dyslexia Treatment Programs”, “the IEP process”, “Strategies for Spelling and Math”, and “making choices for high school and college”. She also covers brief descriptions of other learning challenges such as dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism and Aspergers.

Much of the book is written for Americans who are navigating American school systems but for the most part it is appropriate for all of North American parents. I also believe this book would be a good resource and starting point for anybody facing the issues of Dyslexia or anybody who just wants a good general resource about the topic anywhere in the world.

I was particularly impressed with was her stand on getting a child assessed as young as possible. Karey and I are about to do an assessment on an eleven year old child because her mother was told by the school counselor her daughter could not get assessed by the school psychologist. The reason for the school’s refusal to assess the girl was that they felt she was too young and that none of the problems the girl was having in school could possibly be due to dyslexia. Unfortunately we have seen that leaving interventions till the child is older only compounds the problems. We have performed assessments on children as young as 4 ½, such as one little girl we worked with who has progressed well with the teaching recommendations made for her parents. She is happier and is doing much better in kindergarten. The author also mentioned that the assessment process need not be the ultimate domain of psychologist or doctors but can also be just as effective from a knowledgeable multidisciplinary team made of learning and other specialists.

“We recommend this book as a great general resource of information about Dyslexia and related conditions described in terms that will help any parent begin to understand these complicated and often misunderstood learning issues.”

It’s even printed in a larger font, which we advocate, yah!

I hope this was of value to you and we wish you good luck on your journey to further enlightenment about all things dyslexic.

Happy trails!
Howie deGraaf
Editor and Consultant for Dyslexia Victoria Online

Brad Elder – an Eloquent Dyslexic Spokesperson

Recently I was looking up some specific info for a client from our book “Assessments and Evalutions” for Dyslexics.  My mother and partner, Jan Turner put this book together outlining and detailing our methods for assessing for Dyslexia.  When I was going through the book I noticed an introduction that I had never paid attention to before.  It was an excerpt  from a Dyslexic gentleman named “Brad Elder” from one of his webpages about being Dyslexic.  I was fascinated, called Jan and asked her about him.  Jan said he and she had communicated for  awhile a few years ago about Dyslexia.  They had ideas in common and differences of opinion which she found really interesting.  She said he was a really fascinating  man to talk to in regards to Dyslexia, what it is to experience it and how to work with it.

I decided to track down his webpages and I found his home page and then other ones connected to it. I also Googled his name and found more.  I also found many commonalities in our beliefs and approaches to Dyslexia and his list of sources are helpful and his view of  the experience of  Dyslexia is very moving and enlightening for those trying to understand how it feels,  how to deal with it and to realize as Dyslexics we are not alone.

So I have quoted part of his home page and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  I strongly suggest you go to his other webpages and review Brad Elder’s information and sources.  Also, I am trying to find a good email address or phone number for Brad.  If anyone knows how to contact him, please let me know.  You can email me at:

Karen Hope
Co-founder of Dyslexia Victoria Online

Brad Elder  and Dyslexia

Brad Elder and Dyslexia

So here is my tail.

Sorry but its a little cluttered.

by Brad Elder

I have left this un spell checked so that you can see my world a little better.

Like I said this is really hard to put into words.  Hard on the emotional level.  But I think it will help me to do it.  And I hope it will help you.

Ok,  where to start.  well I was diagnosed in the 6th graid.  That really helped!!!  It was the single biggest event in my life.  Suddenly there was a name for my problem.  I wasn’t lazy, or didn’t cair, or was………  what ever they called me that week.  It was like the unevers was lifted off my sholders.  I think I know what it must be like to slowly sufficate.  I don’t know really how to describe it to you but i’ll try:

Imagen that nobody could see their hands.  Everybody in the world.  Nobody can see anything from the elbo down.   Also assume that everybodys  hands work just like thay do right now today.    Now what if your hands didn’t work like “the normal hand”?   What If you didn’t have any fingers?  Everyone else can type, turn keys, scrach an ich, dress them sleves, tie there shoes, and feed them sleves.  Every one but you.  No one can see why you can’t “Do what everyone else can”.  You don’t know  why you can’t do what “normal” kids can.  You just know you can’t.   you walk and talk just like every one else.  there is no way to see an obvous reason why you can’t do it.  Adults don’t know.  How could they.  All they can see is a kid that isn’t doing what they were told to do.   And they lable you lazy, slacker, rebbel, and what ever they can come up with…….They my even point you out to your class mates and tell them not to be like you.

Rember You Have NO Idea Why You Can Not Do What The Normal Kids Do.


All you know is that no matter what,  nomatter how hard you try,  you just can’t do it.   You will,  as your only choise, beleave the adults.  You must be lazy.  You must really be a slacker.  How could anyone be as worthless as you? the other kids susceed.  They must be trying.  You, there for, are not trying.

I want you to stop here and think about this senario.  Where does a Child go from here?  where does a Child go when they KNOW, becaues everyone tells them, they beleave with all there heart,  they are worthless?  Who does a Child turn to when everyone (even your parents) give up on you?

I really  want you to think hard about that.


This was me at ten years of age.  I wanted to die.  Not because I was depresed (though I’m shure I was) but because I was imbarsed to be alive.  I was imbarsed for my parents,  for my sisters, for my teachers.    I loved them all and respected there openions.  After all they could do what I could not.  How could anyone deserve the burden of putting up with me?

Don’t you quit!!!

How are you going to get help?  no one, not even you know the truth.  you have no fingers!!!  thats it.  Nothing sinester about your behavior.  you just don’t have any fingers!!
Your only chance will be if someone actualy sees you.  and says to them self “what a nice kid.  shurly if they could have tied their shoe thay would have.  I wonder why they don’t?”  If your luckey they will have heard of a handy cap called “nofinger” that has symptems like yours.  And they will sugest that you get testing.

To parents reading think about this.  How can a Child get help if the parents don’t want to help?  “My Kid Is Normal!”  “Not My Son!!”  “My Daughter Is Just Quiet”.  the world cann’t help unless you allow it.  I don’t know what self centered fears parents have about children,  But try and rember “a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet”.  your child is alive and suffering and is a rose by any name.  Any help you can give them will help them bloom.  Many of my friends in the LD classes I have through out my life never were alowed to sucesed because their parents refeusd th help.

Don’t you quit!! (eather of you)

Now suppose all the politics required in getting parents, teachers and famly menbers involved come togeather and you are going to get tested.
You probably won’t know or cair about whats going on.  You have spent 10 years being told and fearmly beleaving that you are just dumb and lazy.  And lord knows you have seen your shair of tests.  The test is a new fangled machane that takes a picture of your hand and can see what we can’t.  after the test you are shown the results and have them explained to you.

you are not lazy.  you just don’t have any fingers!!!!!!!
Of corse no one could tie there shoes if they didn’t have fingers!!!
Of corse no one could dress them selves if they didn’t have fingers!!!
Of corse no one could type if they didn’t have fingers!!!!!!!
Of corse!!!!!!!!

I hope that helps you under stand.   I finaly knew why I couldn’t tie my shoes.  There was a reason.  and it wasn’t because I was lazy!

I really got mad after that.  I was mad at all my teachers.  mad at everyone who was trusted with my life and failed!  I soon (longer for others) forgave them all as They  did’t know anymore than I that there was aproblem (execpet that they did’t lisson to me.  But who lissons to a 10 yr old who doesn’t do what he is told).  I thought that that was it!  I’d  just show the teachers “look here are my test results, look no fingers!  I can’t type.  but I can tell you the answer.”
well that didn’t happen. All, most all, of them didn’t buy it.  and a few were determind to show the class and the world that I was a faker.   My math teachers were indeferent.  They didn’t cair about it at all. and they didn’t change anything.  but at least they didn’t fight me.  a few of my english teachers realy let me have it.   I couldent rember the alphibet, (and still can’t!!) but had to sit in on recesse and after school to look up the spelling of words.

Now if you have no fingers how can you type?   how comical would it be if you were held in the class room during recess and after school because you didn’t finish or didn’t do your typing corectly?  I wasn’t laughfing then and can only find sad hummer in it now, but that was my life in the sixth grade.  Dyslexiecs generaly can’t spell or do math because we revers letters and numbers.  I still (as you can see) can’t spell. K through 12th grade and I was punished for not being able to spell through it all.  Just as if I had no fingers and was being punished for not being able to type.  The logic behind it is insane!!!  I was going to flunk remadal english in the 6th grade.  remeadial english is nothing but spelling. its the spelling class from hell.  my teacher would make me stay in from recess and after school EVERYDAY!!!!! correcting the spelling on my test.  How do you spell a unknown word?  you look it up?

For more of this entry from Brad Elder please follow this link:

Welcome to Brad (Darb) Elder’s Dyslexia page

Also Google his name Brad Elder for other pages related to him.

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Dyslexia Victoria Online’s Approach to Teaching Spelling to Dyslexics

Dyslexics Learning to SpellSpelling is the most difficult skill for the right brain but it is the most important. More time should be given to spelling and building a reading and writing vocabulary than any other learning skills.

The Dyslexia Victoria Online Approach to learning to spell is through “drawing” words and understanding them in wholes, not in their separate parts or separate letters or phonic sounds.

It provides an easy method for changing the concrete picture images formed in the right brain into letters and words (the language of the left brain) and then sending them to the left brain for use in thinking and analyzing.

Training should begin with using concrete word images that form whole pictures.  The right brain easily understands word images as it sees and understands the world in wholes: whole sentences, whole paragraphs, whole essays, whole stories, whole lessons, whole concepts and whole assignments. The right brain understands word images it can turn into pictures in the mind’s eye.

We start with learning what a concrete image is and what letters represent. Then we work with concrete words from a story that describe strong images familiar to the student such as pictures of a horse, a man, a child, a house, a barn, an animal, and object such as a table, a book, ruler, eraser, car, truck, box, etc. When the pattern of a concrete object, sound of its name and a concrete word image are understood, we move on to abstract words that are needed for putting sentences together such as  and, for, too, which, why, who because, through, under, beneath, second, third, although, however, whole, whenever, rather, everything, etc.

For more information about Dyslexia and our teaching solutions check out our website at:

If you have questions we would love to hear your feedback!  You can email me at:

Karey Hope deGraaf
Co-founder of Dyslexia Victoria Online

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